Frankfurt for Beginners
The perfect companion for new arrivals and Frankfurt fans
Frankfurt is more love at second sight. People come to Frankfurt either by chance or because of a job. So things start rather unromantically. But once you’ve digested your first Handkäs, explored the green belt by bike, or stared in awe at the bright skyline from Eisener Steg, then at the latest you’re hooked. The start of a wonderful friendship. Frankfurt for Beginners is the ideal way to feel your way into the German city where life is best, the perfect companion for new arrivals in the city, for firm lovers of Frankfurt, and for those about to fall in love with the city.
210 pages, 18,90 €. Available from bookshops or directly from Edition Frankfurter Ansichten post-free via e-mail.
Written by Matthias Arning, illustrated by the young designer Eva Feuchter.
210 Seiten, 18,90 €. Erhältlich im Buchhandel oder direkt bei der Edition Frankfurter Ansichten portofrei per E-Mail.
Autor: Matthias Arning. Illustratorin: Eva Feuchter.